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Mathematics at Cambridge is both challenging and flexible, providing an unparalleled opportunity to develop your mathematical intuition and reasoning

The Cambridge Mathematics course is offers you flexibility and choice. In the first year, you are introduced to the fundamentals of higher mathematics. There is an option to take Mathematics with Physics, which includes the first-year Natural Sciences Physics course in place of some maths modules. In subsequent years, you choose from a vast range of topics, including optional computational projects, where numerical or algebraic techniques are used to investigate mathematical problems. The 4-year course qualifies you for both the BA and MMath degrees. It is also possible to graduate after three years with only the BA degree. More details about the course can be found on the University website.

Mathematics at Murray Edwards

Murray Edwards provides a community with the shared experience of being a female mathematician at Cambridge. We understand the challenges that come with being a minority in one of the most demanding mathematics degrees in the world, and we build an environment where you can feel comfortable asking questions and discussing your ideas. We typically admit 4–6 undergraduates per year, so you will join a strong and vibrant group of mathematicians in the College, as well as being part of the wider Cambridge Mathematics cohort.

Typical offer

A Level: A*A*A 

IB: 42 (776) 

STEP: Grade 1 in both Papers 2 and 3

Required subjects

A Level: A Level Mathematics and A Level Further Mathematics

IB: HL Mathematics

Admissions assessment

No admissions assessment is required.

Written work

Applicants are not required to submit written work.