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The Cambridge History course allows you to explore the past from different angles, to pursue personal interests and to experiment with historical approaches and periods

History at Cambridge is exciting and varied. The course gives you access to a broad span of time periods and geographical regions, reflecting the outstanding historical expertise across the College and the University. Specialist papers allow you to work with source materials as varied as Hollywood movies, Middle Eastern newspapers or medieval plague records. Full details about the structure and content of the course can be found on the University website.

History at Murray Edwards

Murray Edwards provides a stimulating and supportive environment for you to get the most out of your History degree. We welcome 6-7 undergraduate students in History each year, meaning we have around 20 undergraduates in the College at any one time. We have an active student-run History Society, which provides a forum for us to get together regularly to enjoy activities such as listening to invited speakers, dining together, or going on small field trips to local sites. 

Typical offer

A Level: A*AA 

IB: 42 (776)

Required subjects

No specific subjects are required.

Admissions assessment

No admissions assessment is required.

Written work

Applicants are required to submit two pieces of written work.