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History & Modern Languages

History and Modern Languages allows you to develop near native-speaker skills in a foreign language while studying the culture, history, and politics of your chosen language area

History and Modern Languages (HML) is a 4-year course that combines the best of both subjects. You will develop analytical skills in History, through a wide range of topics in British, European, American, African, and Asian history, as well as historical thinking and research skills. Like other language students, you spend the third year of the course studying or working abroad, immersing yourself in the language, culture, history and politics of a foreign country. More information about the course can be found on the University website

HML at Murray Edwards

At Murray Edwards, you will join a growing and welcoming community of students and academics. We welcome 1-2 undergraduates in HML each year, who study alongside both History and Modern Languages students. This gives plenty of opportunities to share and develop your ideas within College, as well as amongst the wider Cambridge HML cohort.  

Typical offer

A Level: A*AA 

IB: 42 (776)

Required subjects

A Level: A Level in the language (for languages to be studied post A Level)

IB: Higher Level in the language (for languages to be studied post IB Level) 

Admissions assessment

Applicants are required to take the relevant Modern & Medieval Languages (MML) admissions assessment if invited for interview. You do not need to register in advance for this assessment. The College will provide details directly to you. Check the College Admissions Assessments page for more details. 

Written work

Applicants are required to submit two pieces of written work. If you are applying for a post A Level language, one piece of written work should be in the language you intend to study.