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Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology

Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology gives you the skills you need to tackle the biggest problems on the planet in efficient and sustainable ways

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CEB) is a multidisciplinary course with an emphasis on applying science to solve real-world problems in the process and biotechnology industries. As well as learning the core science, you will work on projects that teach you the practical side of process and product design. The 4-year course qualifies you for both the BA and MEng degrees and is accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers. It is also possible to graduate after three years with only the BA degree. More details about the course can be found on the University website.

CEB at Murray Edwards

We typically admit 1–2 CEB undergraduates per year. First-year students join the Natural Sciences cohort for Chemistry and Mathematics modules, with the rest of the teaching coordinated by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology on the nearby West Cambridge site. The Department builds connections between students at different Colleges, so you will join Murray Edwards and also be part of the broader Cambridge CEB community.

Typical offer

A Level: A*A*A

IB: 42 (776)

Required subjects

A Level: A Level Chemistry and A Level Mathematics 

IB: HL Chemistry and HL Mathematics 

Admissions assessment

Applicants are required to take the Engineering and Science Admissions Test (ESAT). You must register in advance for this test. 

Written work

Applicants are not required to submit written work.

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